
Most important works of literature

10 Famous Russian Authors You Must Read He was claimed as the most controversial writers of his time and was famous for his satires on the society in Soviet Union. Although he received his education in medicine his inclination to literature lured him towards becoming a novelist. His most significant work is his novel 'The master and margarita'. 6. Anton Chekhov Edgar Allan Poe, short stories, tales, and poems

English Literature Overview. The English Literature exam covers material usually taught in a British literature course at the college level. The test is primarily concerned with major authors and literary works, but it also includes questions on some minor writers. The 40 most powerful literary quotes - shortlist.com On The Road. Author: Jack Kerouac Year: 1957 "The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars." Most important works of literary criticism ever written ... I have been wondering if it is possible to compile a list of the greatest books of literary criticism ever written. Not theory, I am not looking for works of philosophy that inspired some literary theory, but books that were written about literature as its primary subject-matter. So, think Richards or Bakhtin; not Freud and Marx.

10 Of The Most Ancient Pieces Of Literature We've Found Michael Van Duisen April 30, 2015 For as long as we have been able to, humanity has written down its thoughts and ideas, using the written word to establish a sort of immortality.

One of the most common excuses not to read literature is that the language is boring and difficult to understand. This book, “The Phantom of the Opera” remedies that issueThere may not be as many literary devices and as much figurative language as other works of literature, but this book is an... What Is the Importance of Literature? | Reference.com Literature is important because it develops critical thinking skills, fosters empathy for others, reduces stress and develops readers' personal experiences.Since reading literature can make people more aware of others' feelings, many medical schools are incorporating literary studies into their course... Best Writers of All Time | List of the Greatest Writer in… Some of history’s most influential people were authors, writing the most important literature and political works of all time.Writers have shaped human history, capturing some of the most important historical events and reflecting the culture of a changing world around us in a profound way. The Greatest Books: The Best Books - 1 to 50

Chinese Literature, Chinese Novels, Chinese Classics

Top 10 works of Chinese literature - China.org.cn The best way to gain a deeper understanding of the culture of a foreign country is to read its literature. Chinese literature has a history of thousands of years and is characterized by a long ... What was the most important works of Japanese literature ... What was the most important works of Japanese literature during the Heian period were produced by who? Buddhists monks. the answer is The Diary of a Noblewoman. What were the major works of Jean Jacques Rousseau? | eNotes Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778) is widely acknowledged as on of the most important thinkers of the eighteenth-century European Enlightenment. The areas he most influenced were Romanticism ...

Most of the important works of German literature have been ...

10 Black Authors Everyone Should Read | PBS Considered one of the most important works of fiction in the 20 th century, Ellison was heavily influenced by Zora Neale Hurston and is often cited as an influence with many writers today such as ... 27 Must Read Books Every Novel Lover Should Read at Least Once Yet Jane Austen's most famous work is more than a comedy of manners about the marriage market and the maneuvers of navigating polite society in 19th-century England. Pride and Prejudice remains one of the most enduring works of English Literature not because we find such rewarding pleasure in watching sparks fly between Elizabeth Bennet and ... The 11 Features of Medieval Literature Most Important | Life ...

Top 100 Works in World Literature by Norwegian Book Clubs, with the Norwegian Nobel Institute. The editors of the Norwegian Book Clubs, with the Norwegian Nobel Institute, polled a panel of 100 authors from 54 countries on what they considered the "best and most central works in world literature."

The Political Writings of John Locke John Locke. The Political Writings of John Locke is a collection of a few of Locke's most important works that was edited by David Wootton, a professor of history and expert on English speaking countries, and others, such as France and Italy. English Literature | Encyclopedia.com English literature Body of written works produced in the British Isles in the English language. The earliest surviving works are from the Old English period (475-1000). Mainly poems in the heroic mould, epics such as Beowulf belong to an oral tradition but were written down in the 7th century.

10 Famous Indian Authors You Must Read - FamousAuthors.org India has been celebrated for its art, literature and writing since ancient times. ... His most significant works include 'Gitanjali' which was a collection of poems ... 50 Classic Books Everyone Should Read in Their Lifetime These are our picks for the 50 most essential classic books. ... No matter your definition of classic literature, you'll see that these books have stood—and are ... Literary canons exclude works no matter how selective canon makers ... 25 Apr 2013 ... The term “literary canon” refers to a body of books, narratives and other texts considered to be the most important and influential of a particular ... The 10 ancient classics every student should read | The Independent